Job opportunities
Our company is still growing!
Therefore we gladly recruit eager and enthusiastic people. If you wish to join our team, please send us your Resumee with a motivational letter using the form below.
We inform, that we won’t consider applicants, who don’t agree to process their personal data for the needs of the recruitment process.
Current job offers
We inform, that we won’t consider applicants, who don’t agree to process their personal data for the needs of the recruitment process. Europejski Instytut Biomedyczny sp. z o.o. (EIB sp. zo.o) reserves the right to contact only chosen candidates and informs, that documents sent to us will not be returned.
During the recruitment process EIB sp. z o.o does not discriminate indirectly or directly candidates based on gender, sexual orientation, transsexualism, race, ethic origin, religion, religious beliefs, handicap, marital status, belief, nationality, national origin, skin colour, age or any other information category that is protected by law.
The information published on the website is not a job-offer or promise of employment in connection with any job position published or described on the website. EIB sp. z o.o has the sole right to delete or publish in all range information or data regarding the job application process.
Specjalista/ka ds. sprzedaży
Specjalista/ka ds. sprzedaży Stanowisko: Specjalista/ka ds. sprzedaży Miejsce pracy: Józefów k/Otwocka. W Europejskim Instytucie Biomedycznym wykonujemy badania przedkliniczne, a także wymyślamy innowacyjne biowyroby dla chirurgii. Posiadamy jedne z...